on System#Boot Do OLEDCMD,clear OLED,1,1,"Pompsturing Dompelpomp" GPIO,10,1 Monitor GPIO, 3 Endon On GPIO#3=0 Do OLED, 7,1, "0 %eventvalue1%" TaskValueSet,status,xauto,0 Endon On GPIO#3=1 Do OLED, 7,1, "1 %eventvalue1%" TaskValueSet,status,xauto,1 Endon on manual#State do If [manual#State] = 1 NeoPixel,4,0,255,0 GPIO,3,0 oledcmd,on OLED,2,1,"pomp handmatig " timerSet, 1, 3 Else //off NeoPixel,4,0,22,0 GPIO,3,1 oledcmd,on OLED,2,1,"pomp automatisch " Endif Endon on bovenste#State do If [bovenste#State] = 1 and [onderste#State] = 1 And [status#xauto]=0 NeoPixel,2,0,255,0 GPIO,3,1 oledcmd,on OLED,2,1,"pomp wordt aangezet " timerSet, 1, 3 Endif Endon on onderste#State do If [onderste#State] = 0 NeoPixel, 2,20,20,20 GPIO,3,0 //pomp uit oledcmd,on OLED,2,1,"pomp uitgeschakeld " Endif Endon On Rules#Timer=1 do If [onderste#State] = 1 OLEDCMD,clear OLED, 2, 1, "pomp werkt niet!" tone,10,1300,200 TimerSet, 1, 2 Endif Endon