This runs now very nicely.
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Richter 2023-03-27 13:46:27 +02:00
parent fa6d5fa80a
commit 474c57a8e1
2 changed files with 126 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -48,34 +48,52 @@
//#define INPUTS
//#define INPUTS //Use Arduino IO's as Inputs. Define how many Inputs you want in total and then which Pins you want to be Inputs.
#ifdef INPUTS
const int Inputs = 16; //number of inputs using internal Pullup resistor. (short to ground to trigger)
int InPinmap[] = {32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48};
int InPinmap[] = {32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47};
//#define OUTPUTS
//#define OUTPUTS //Use Arduino IO's as Outputs. Define how many Outputs you want in total and then which Pins you want to be Outputs.
#ifdef OUTPUTS
const int Outputs = 9; //number of outputs
int OutPinmap[] = {10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,21};
//#define PWMOUTPUTS
//#define PWMOUTPUTS //Use Arduino PWM Capable IO's as PWM Outputs. Define how many PWM Outputs you want in total and then which Pins you want to be PWM Outputs.
const int PwmOutputs = 2; //number of outputs
int PwmOutPinmap[] = {12,11};
//#define AINPUTS
//#define AINPUTS //Use Arduino ADC's as Analog Inputs. Define how many Analog Inputs you want in total and then which Pins you want to be Analog Inputs.
//Note that Analog Pin numbering is different to the Print on the PCB.
#ifdef AINPUTS
const int AInputs = 1;
int AInPinmap[] = {1}; //Potentiometer for SpindleSpeed override
int smooth = 200; //number of samples to denoise ADC, try lower numbers on your setup
int smooth = 200; //number of samples to denoise ADC, try lower numbers on your setup 200 worked good for me.
//#define LPOTIS
//#define LPOTIS
/*This is a special mode of AInputs. My machine had originally Selector Knobs with many Pins on the backside to select different Speed Settings.
I turned them into a "Potentiometer" by connecting all Pins with 10K Resistors in series. Then i applied GND to the first and 5V to the last Pin.
Now the Selector is part of an Voltage Divider and outputs different Voltage for each Position. This function generates Pins for each Position in Linuxcnc Hal.
It can happen, that when you switch position, that the selector is floating for a brief second. This might be detected as Position 0.
This shouldn't be an issue in most usecases, but think about that in your application.
Connect it to an Analog In Pin of your Arduino and define how many of these you want.
Then in the Array, {which Pin, How many Positions}
Note that Analog Pin numbering is different to the Print on the PCB.
#ifdef LPOTIS
const int LPotis = 2;
int LPotiPins[LPotis][2] = {
@ -85,36 +103,57 @@
int margin = 20; //giving it some margin so Numbers dont jitter, make this number smaller if your knob has more than 50 Positions
//#define ABSENCODER
//#define ABSENCODER //Support of an Rotating Knob that was build in my Machine. It encodes 32 Positions with 5 Pins in Binary. This will generate 32 Pins in LinuxCNC Hal.
const int AbsEncPins[] = {27,28,31,29,30}; //1,2,4,8,16
//#define STATUSLED //The Software will detect if there is an communication issue. When you power on your machine, the Buttons etc won't work, till LinuxCNC is running. THe StatusLED will inform you about the State of Communication.
// Slow Flash = Not Connected
// Steady on = connected
// short Flash = connection lost.
// if connection is lost, something happened. (Linuxcnc was closed for example or USB Connection failed.) It will recover when Linuxcnc is restartet. (you could also run "unloadusr arduino", "loadusr arduino" in Hal)
// Define an Pin you want to connect the LED to. it will be set as Output indipendand of the OUTPUTS function, so don't use Pins twice.
// If you use Digital LED's such as WS2812 or PL9823 (only works if you set up the DLED settings below) you can also define a position of the LED. In this case StatLedPin will set the number of the Digital LED Chain.
const int StatLedPin = 0; //Pin for Status LED
const int StatLedPin = 5; //Pin for Status LED
const int StatLedErrDel[] = {1000,10}; //Blink Timing for Status LED Error (no connection)
const int DLEDSTATUSLED = 1; //set to 1 to use Digital LED instead. set StatLedPin to the according LED number in the chain.
/* Instead of connecting LED's to Output pins, you can also connect digital LED's such as DLED or PL9823.
DLEDcount defines, how many Digital LED's you want to control. For Each a output Pin will be generated in LinuxCNC hal. There are two modes supported.
You set the color here. Set the Parameter as {Greeb,Red,Blue}. When LinuxCNC sends the state = 1, the LED will be set to the specified color. State = 0 will shut the LED to the specified off color.
This allows you to either turn the LED On at any specified color or to flip color to show Status change. (Red and Green for example)
#define DLED
//#define DLED
/* Instead of connecting LED's to Output pins, you can also connect digital LED's such as WS2812 or PL9823.
This way you can have how many LED's you want and also define it's color with just one Pin.
DLEDcount defines, how many Digital LED's you want to control. Count from 0. For Each LED an output Pin will be generated in LinuxCNC hal.
To use this funcion you need to have the Adafruit_NeoPixel.h Library installed in your Arduino IDE.
In LinuxCNC you can set the Pin to HIGH and LOW, for both States you can define an color per LED.
This way, you can make them glow or shut of, or have them Change color, from Green to Red for example.
DledOnColors defines the color of each LED when turned "on". For each LED set {Red,Green,Blue} with Numbers from 0-255.
depending on the Chipset of your LED's Colors might be in a different order. You can try it out by setting {255,0,0} for example.
You need to define a color to DledOffColors too. Like the Name suggests it defines the color of each LED when turned "off".
If you want the LED to be off just define {0,0,0}, .
If you use STATUSLED, it will also take the colors of your definition here.
#ifdef DLED
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
const int DLEDcount = 8; //How Many DLED LED's are you going to connect?
const int DLEDPin = 4;
const int DLEDPin = 4; //Where is DI connected to?
const int DLEDBrightness = 70; //Brightness of the LED's 0-100%
int DledOnColors[DLEDcount][3] = {
@ -339,11 +378,11 @@ void writePwmOutputs(int Pin, int Stat){
#ifdef DLED
void initDLED(){
for (int i = 0; i < DLEDcount; i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, strip.Color(DledOffColors[i][0],DledOffColors[i][1],DledOffColors[i][2]));
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("DLED initialised");
@ -458,14 +497,15 @@ void commandReceived(char cmd, uint16_t io, uint16_t value){
if(cmd == 'E'){
#ifdef DLED
//#ifdef DLED
if(cmd == 'D'){
if(cmd == 'E'){
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("I Received= ");
@ -477,7 +517,7 @@ void commandReceived(char cmd, uint16_t io, uint16_t value){
int isCmdChar(char cmd){
if(cmd == 'O'||cmd == 'P'||cmd == 'E'||cmd == 'L') {return true;}
if(cmd == 'O'||cmd == 'P'||cmd == 'E'||cmd == 'D') {return true;}
else{return false;}

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@ -6,32 +6,78 @@ please consider supporting me on Patreon:
For my CNC Machine i wanted to include more IO's than my Mesa card was offering. This Projekt enables to connect Arduino to LinuxCNC to include as many IO's as you wish.
This Software is used as IO Expansion for LinuxCNC. Here i am using a Mega 2560.
# +++this is still in early development and is untested, i don't recommend using it in an actual machine+++
It is NOT intended for timing and security relevant IO's. Don't use it for Emergency Stops or Endstop switches!
+++It is NOT intended for timing and security relevant IO's. Don't use it for Emergency Stops or Endstop switches!+++
You can create as many digital & analog Inputs, Outputs and PWM Outputs as your Arduino can handle.
You can also generate "virtual Pins" by using latching Potentiometers, which are connected to one analog Pin, but are read in Hal as individual Pins.
It also supports Digital LEDs such as WS2812 or PL9823. This way you can have as many LEDs as you want and you can also define the color of them with just one Pin.
In LinuxCNC each LED is listed as one Output that can be set to HIGH and LOW. For both States you can define a color per LED.
This way, you can make them turn on or shut off or have them Change color, from Green to Red for example.
Currently the Software provides:
- analog Inputs
- latching Potentiometers
- 1 absolute encoder input
- digital Inputs
- digital Outputs
- support of Digital RGB LEDs like WS2812 or PL9823
- latching Potentiometers
- 1 absolute encoder input
# compatiblity
This software works with LinuxCNC 2.8, 2.9 and 2.10.
For 2.8 however you have to change #!/usr/bin/python3.9 in the first line of to #!/usr/bin/python2.7.
# Installation
- configure the Firmware file to your demands and flash it to your arduino
- connect the arduino to your LinuxCNC Computer via USB
- install python-serial
sudo apt-get install python-serial
- edit to match your arduino settings.
- also check if the Serial adress is correct for your Arduino. I found it easyest to run "sudo dmesg | grep tty" in Terminal.
- move to /usr/bin and make it executable with chmod +x
sudo chmod +x
sudo cp /usr/bin/arduino
- add to your hal file: loadusr arduino
# Testing
To test your Setup, you can run "halrun" in Terminal.
Then you will see halcmd:
Enter "loadusr arduino" and then "show pin"
All the Arduino generated Pins should now be listed and the State they are in.
You can click buttons now and if you run show pin again the state should've changed.
you can also set Pins that are listed in DIR as IN.
Enter "setp arduino.DLED.1 TRUE" for example. This will set said Pin to HIGH or in this case, if you have it set up turn the 2. Digital LED on.
You can now use arduino pins in your hal file.
Pin Names are named arduino.[Pin Type]-[Pin Number]. Example: for Pin 32 on an Arduino Mega2560
# Serial communication over USB
The Send and receive Protocol is <Signal><PinNumber>:<Pin State>
To begin Transmitting Ready is send out and expects to receive E: to establish connection. Afterwards Data is exchanged.
Data is only send everythime it changes once.
Inputs = 'I' -write only -Pin State: 0,1
Outputs = 'O' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
PWM Outputs = 'P' -read only -Pin State: 0-255
Analog Inputs = 'A' -write only -Pin State: 0-1024
Latching Potentiometers = 'L' -write only -Pin State: 0-max Position
Absolute Encoder input = 'K' -write only -Pin State: 0-32
Inputs = 'I' -write only -Pin State: 0,1
Outputs = 'O' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
PWM Outputs = 'P' -read only -Pin State: 0-255
Digital LED Outputs = 'D' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
Analog Inputs = 'A' -write only -Pin State: 0-1024
Latching Potentiometers = 'L' -write only -Pin State: 0-max Position
Absolute Encoder input = 'K' -write only -Pin State: 0-32
Command 'E0:0' is used for connectivity checks and is send every 5 seconds as keep alive signal. If connection is lost the arduino begins flashing an LED to alarm the User.
# License
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# Installation
- configure the Firmware file to your demands and flash it to your arduino
- connect the arduino to your LinuxCNC Computer via USB
- install python-serial
- open and configure it to match your arduino settings.
- also check if the Serial adress is correct for your Arduino
- move to /usr/bin and make it executable with chmod +x
- add to your hal file: loadusr arduino
You can now use arduino pins in your hal file.
Pin Names are named arduino.[Pin Type]-[Pin Number]. Example: for Pin 32 on an Arduino Mega2560
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA