fixed bugs

Joysticks work now
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Richter 2023-07-23 14:18:18 +02:00
parent dbcbe1ccf7
commit a63a3f5c81

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@ -169,16 +169,11 @@ Encoder Encoder1(18,19); //A,B Pin
#define JOYSTICK //Support of an Rotating Knob that was build in my Machine. It encodes 32 Positions with 5 Pins in Binary. This will generate 32 Pins in LinuxCNC Hal.
const int JoySticks = 1;
const int JoyStickPins[JoySticks][2] = {
{A0,A2},//Analog Pins JoyStick 1 is connected to
//{2,3}//Analog Pins JoyStick 2 is connected to
const int JoyStickDeadband = 50; //Area around Middle Position that gets ignored.
const int JoyStickSpeed = 100; //Multiplier to slow down the Output Speed if in counter mode. Higher number = slower.
const int JoyStickMaxVal = 500; //The Analog Input gets transformed from 0-1023 to -JoyStickMaxVal to +JoyStickMaxVal, so that the Middle Position of the Joystick is 0. I don't think you should change this.
const int JoySticks = 1; // Number of potentiometers connected
const int JoyStickPins[JoySticks*2] = {A0, A1}; // Analog input pins for the potentiometers
const int middleValue = 512; // Middle value of the potentiometer
const int deadband = 20; // Deadband range around the middleValue
const float scalingFactor = 0.01; // Scaling factor to control the impact of distanceFromMiddle
@ -331,8 +326,11 @@ const int debounceDelay = 50;
long OldEncCount[RotEncs];
//int oldJoyStick[JoySticks];
long JoyStickCount[JoySticks][2];
long counter[JoySticks*2] = {0}; // Initialize an array for the counters
long prevCounter[JoySticks*2] = {0}; // Initialize an array for the previous counters
float incrementFactor[JoySticks*2] = {0.0}; // Initialize an array for the incrementFactors
unsigned long lastUpdateTime[JoySticks*2] = {0}; // Store the time of the last update for each potentiometer
@ -417,14 +415,6 @@ for(int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
for(int i= 0; i<JoySticks;i++){
JoyStickCount[i][0] = 0;
JoyStickCount[i][1] = 0;
pinMode(JoyStickPins[i][0], INPUT);
pinMode(JoyStickPins[i][1], INPUT);
//Setup Serial
@ -433,6 +423,7 @@ for(int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
@ -475,32 +466,46 @@ void loop() {
void readJoySticks(){
for(int i= 0;i<JoySticks; i++){
long var0 = 0;
long var1 = 0;
for(int d= 0;d<5; d++){// take couple samples to denoise signal
var0 = var0+ analogRead(JoyStickPins[i][0]);
var1 = var1+ analogRead(JoyStickPins[i][1]);
var0 = var0 / 5; //0-1023
var1 = var1 / 5; //0-1023
void readJoySticks() {
for (int i = 0; i < JoySticks*2; i++) {
unsigned long currentTime = millis(); // Get the current time
if(var0 > 510+JoyStickDeadband || var0 < 510-JoyStickDeadband){
var0 = map(var0,0,1023,JoyStickMaxVal*-1,JoyStickMaxVal);
JoyStickCount[i][0] = JoyStickCount[i][0] + (var0*2);
if(var1 > 510 + JoyStickDeadband || var1 < 510 - JoyStickDeadband){
var1 = map(var1,0,1023,JoyStickMaxVal*-1,JoyStickMaxVal);
JoyStickCount[i][1] = JoyStickCount[i][1] + (var1*2) ;
// Check if it's time to update the counter for this potentiometer
if (currentTime - lastUpdateTime[i] >= 100) { // Adjust 100 milliseconds based on your needs
lastUpdateTime[i] = currentTime; // Update the last update time for this potentiometer
int potValue = analogRead(JoyStickPins[i]); // Read the potentiometer value
// Calculate the distance of the potentiometer value from the middle
int distanceFromMiddle = potValue - middleValue;
// Apply deadband to ignore small variations around middleValue
if (abs(distanceFromMiddle) <= deadband) {
incrementFactor[i] = 0.0; // Set incrementFactor to 0 within the deadband range
} else {
// Apply non-linear scaling to distanceFromMiddle to get the incrementFactor
incrementFactor[i] = pow((distanceFromMiddle * scalingFactor), 3);
// Update the counter if the incrementFactor has reached a full number
if (incrementFactor[i] >= 1.0 || incrementFactor[i] <= -1.0) {
counter[i] += static_cast<long>(incrementFactor[i]); // Increment or decrement the counter by the integer part of incrementFactor
incrementFactor[i] -= static_cast<long>(incrementFactor[i]); // Subtract the integer part from incrementFactor
// Check if the counter value has changed
if (counter[i] != prevCounter[i]) {
// Update the previous counter value with the current counter value
prevCounter[i] = counter[i];
void readEncoders(){
EncCount[0] = RotEncMp[0]*;
@ -520,7 +525,7 @@ void readEncoders(){
for(int i=0; i<=RotEncs;i++){
if(OldEncCount[i] != EncCount[i]){
OldEncCount[i] = EncCount[i];
@ -731,20 +736,13 @@ void readKeypad(){
pinMode(rowPins[row], INPUT_PULLUP);
if (digitalRead(rowPins[row]) == LOW && lastKey != keys[row][col]) {
// A button has been pressed
lastKey = keys[row][col];
row = numRows;
if (digitalRead(rowPins[row]) == HIGH && lastKey == keys[row][col]) {
// The Last Button has been unpressed
lastKey = 0;
row = numRows;