updating to change workplace

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Richter 2023-07-23 16:44:40 +02:00
parent 163e76906f
commit edb005e778

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@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ import serial, time, hal
# Data is only send everythime it changes once.
# Inputs & Toggle Inputs = 'I' -write only -Pin State: 0,1
# Outputs = 'O' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
# PWM Outputs = 'P' -read only -Pin State: 0-255
# Digital LED Outputs = 'D' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
# Analog Inputs = 'A' -write only -Pin State: 0-1024
# Outputs = 'O' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
# PWM Outputs = 'P' -read only -Pin State: 0-255
# Digital LED Outputs = 'D' -read only -Pin State: 0,1
# Analog Inputs = 'A' -write only -Pin State: 0-1024
# Latching Potentiometers = 'L' -write only -Pin State: 0-max Position
# binary encoded Selector = 'K' -write only -Pin State: 0-32
# Matrix Keypad = 'M' -write only -Pin State: 0,1
@ -94,7 +94,12 @@ SetBinSelKnobValue = [1]
BinSelKnobvalues = [[180,190,200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170],
#Quadrature Encoders
#Enable Quadrature Encoders
QuadEncs = 2
QuadEncSig = [1,1]
#1 = send up or down signal (typical use for selecting modes in hal)
#2 = send position signal (typical use for MPG wheel)
#Enable Joystick support.
# Intended for use as MPG. useing the Joystick will update a counter, which can be used as Jog Input.
@ -169,25 +174,30 @@ if LinuxKeyboardInput:
Inputs = Inputs+ SInputs
InPinmap += sInPinmap
# Storing Variables for counter timing Stuff
counter_last_update = {}
counter_hold_interval = 100
######## SetUp of HalPins ########
# setup Input halpins
for port in range(Inputs):
c.newpin("dIn.{}".format(InPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT)
c.newparam("dIn.{}-invert".format(InPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_RW)
c.newpin("dIn.{}".format(InPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT)
c.newparam("dIn.{}-invert".format(InPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_RW)
# setup Output halpins
for port in range(Outputs):
c.newpin("dOut.{}".format(OutPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN)
olddOutStates[port] = 0
c.newpin("dOut.{}".format(OutPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_IN)
olddOutStates[port] = 0
# setup Pwm Output halpins
for port in range(PwmOutputs):
c.newpin("PwmOut.{}".format(PwmOutPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN)
oldPwmOutStates[port] = 255
c.newpin("PwmOut.{}".format(PwmOutPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_IN)
oldPwmOutStates[port] = 255
# setup Analog Input halpins
for port in range(AInputs):
c.newpin("aIn.{}".format(AInPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_OUT)
c.newpin("aIn.{}".format(AInPinmap[port]), hal.HAL_FLOAT, hal.HAL_OUT)
# setup Latching Poti halpins
for Poti in range(LPoti):
@ -221,7 +231,19 @@ if Keypad > 0:
#setup JoyStick Pins
if JoySticks > 0:
for port in range(JoySticks*2):
c.newpin("Joystick.{}".format(JoyStickPins[port]), hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT)
c.newpin("Counter.{}".format(JoyStickPins[port]), hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT)
if QuadEncs > 0:
for port in range(QuadEncs):
if QuadEncSig[port] == 1:
c.newpin("CounterUp.{}".format(port), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT)
c.newpin("CounterDown.{}".format(port), hal.HAL_BIT, hal.HAL_OUT)
if QuadEncSig[port] == 2:
c.newpin("Counter.{}".format(port), hal.HAL_S32, hal.HAL_OUT)
#setup Serial connection
@ -373,11 +395,57 @@ while True:
elif cmd == "R":
firstcom = 1
c["Joystick.{}".format(io)] = value
if (Debug):print("Joystick.{}:{}".format(io,value))
if JoySticks > 0:
for pins in range(JoySticks*2):
if (io == JoyStickPins[pins]):
c["Counter.{}".format(io)] = value
if (Debug):print("Counter.{}:{}".format(io,value))
if QuadEncs > 0:
if QuadEncSig[io]== 1:
if value == 0:
c["CounterDown.{}".format(io)] = 1
c["CounterDown.{}".format(io)] = 0
if value == 1:
c["CounterUp.{}".format(io)] = 1
c["CounterUp.{}".format(io)] = 0
if QuadEncSig[io]== 2:
c["Counter.{}".format(io)] = value
# Check if the button is not already in the dictionary, and set its last update time to 0
if io not in counter_last_update:
counter_last_update[io] = 0
if JoySticks > 0:
for pins in range(JoySticks*2):
if (io == JoyStickPins[pins]):
c["Counter.{}".format(io)] = value
if Debug:
print("Counter.{}:{}".format(io, value))
if QuadEncs > 0:
if QuadEncSig[io] == 1:
# Check if enough time has passed since the last update
if millis() - counter_last_update[io] >= counter_hold_interval:
counter_last_update[io] = millis() # Update the last update time for the button
if value == 0:
c["CounterDown.{}".format(io)] = 1
counter_last_update[io] = millis() # Update the last update time for the button
if value == 1:
c["CounterUp.{}".format(io)] = 1
counter_last_update[io] = millis() # Update the last update time for the button
elif QuadEncSig[io] == 2:
c["Counter.{}".format(io)] = value
elif cmd == "R":
firstcom = 1
handle_button_press(io, value)
elif cmd == 'E':
if (Debug):print("Sending E0:0 to establish contact")