connectors: X1: &template_con pinlabels: [GND, VCC, SCL, SDA] type: Molex KK 254 subtype: male notes: to microcontroller # add notes X2: <<: *template_con # use template subtype: female # but override certain parameters notes: to accelerometer X3: <<: *template_con subtype: female notes: to temperature sensor cables: W1: &template_cbl wirecount: 4 length: 0.3 gauge: 24 AWG # specify gauge in AWG directly color_code: IEC # IEC 62 colors also supported notes: This cable is a bit longer W2: <<: *template_cbl length: 0.1 notes: This cable is a bit shorter connections: - - X1: [1-4] - W1: [1-4] - X2: [1-4] - # daisy chain connectors (in line) - X2: [1-4] - W2: [1-4] - X3: [1-4]